
Through rewilding, we can embrace a more holistic view of the world and our place within it. We can establish ways of living that are more in tune with our human biology, ancestral roots, and creative free spirit.
Rewilding = Remembering
As humans, we have a reciprocal relationship to honor with those who sustain us. By remembering our inherent bond with the land and understanding the cyclical nature of life and death, we can cultivate a relationship with the earth built on an ethic of care and compassion rather than coercion and fear.
We are caretakers, or weavers, entrusted with strengthening the bonds between all beings. By accepting our responsibility, our birthright, we are able to see beyond the veils trying to govern and deceive us, and reclaim our power as eternal creator beings.
Rewild + Grow was created to unlearn and redefine the beliefs that have been instilled in us by oppressive systems of control. The notion that humans dominate nature and that we are separate has been deeply ingrained in our culture. To truly embark on the journey of rewilding, it is vital we let go of this long-established belief.

My name is Marissa, and I am currently studying to become a Clinical Herbalist through the Herbal Academy. I am working toward specializing in oneirogenic herbs and their ability to unlock our inner truths and innate power.
Ever since I was a child, I have been drawn to the magic and mystery of mythology and our ancient past. As I grew older, the world seemed to lose its luster, becoming disenchanted and overly reliant on logic and reason. While this mindset may have dominated my early years, around the age of 30, I began to awaken and reclaim my sovereignty.
In the dance of life, humanity has seemingly lost its way, forgetting its truth and essence. I believe the Earth remains a repository of wisdom and the key to unlocking the mysteries of existence.

Rewild + Grow was created to unlearn and redefine the beliefs that have been instilled in us by oppressive systems of control. The notion that humans dominate nature and that we are separate has been deeply ingrained in our culture. To truly embark on the journey of rewilding, it is vital we let go of this long-established belief.
Through rewilding, we can embrace a more holistic view of the world and our place within it. We can establish ways of living that are more in tune with our human biology, ancestral roots, and creative free spirit.
Rewilding = Remembering
As humans, we have a reciprocal relationship to honor with those who sustain us. By remembering our inherent bond with the land and understanding the cyclical nature of life and death, we can cultivate a relationship with the earth built on an ethic of care and compassion rather than coercion and fear.
We are caretakers, or weavers, entrusted with strengthening the bonds between all beings. By accepting our responsibility, our birthright, we are able to see beyond the veils trying to govern and deceive us, and reclaim our power as creators on this Earth.

My name is Marissa, and I am currently studying to become a Clinical Herbalist through the Herbal Academy. I am working toward specializing in oneirogenic herbs and their ability to unlock our inner truths and innate power.
Ever since I was a child, I have been drawn to the magic and mystery of mythology and our ancient past. As I grew older, the world seemed to lose its luster, becoming disenchanted and overly reliant on logic and reason. While this mindset may have dominated my early years, around the age of 30, I began to awaken and reclaim my sovereignty.
In the dance of life, humanity has seemingly lost its way, forgetting its truth and essence. I believe the Earth remains a repository of wisdom and the key to unlocking the mysteries of existence.