Plant Allies

A plant ally is a plant that you have a close relationship with, much like a close friend. They are the plants we work with to keep ourselves healthy and they are the ones we turn to for guidance and wisdom when times are hard. Just like close friends, plant allies will come and go throughout our lives as we move through different stages and journeys.

Vervain the Wise Woman’s Dream Herb

Vervain the Wise Woman’s Dream Herb

Yauhtli (Mexican tarragon) the Dream Herb of Ayauh

Yauhtli (Mexican tarragon) the Dream Herb of Ayauh

Memory Travel with Sun Opener Sinicuichi

Memory Travel with Sun Opener Sinicuichi

Damiana the Lover’s Dream Herb

Damiana the Lover’s Dream Herb

Lucid Dream with Calea Zacatechichi

Lucid Dream with Calea Zacatechichi

Heart Healing Herbs

Heart Healing Herbs

Connect with Your Ancestors through African Dream Root

Connect with Your Ancestors through African Dream Root

Oneirogenic Herbs for Dreamwork

Oneirogenic Herbs for Dreamwork

Artemisia the Huntress’ Dream & Protection Herb

Artemisia the Huntress’ Dream & Protection Herb

Open Your Heart with Bobinsana

Open Your Heart with Bobinsana