How to Make Herbal Infused Honey ft. Lilac Flowers

Herbal infused honey is not only a great way to enjoy the medicinal benefits of herbs, but also can be an easy way to reduce waste. Infusions can consist of leftover sprigs and buds that might otherwise go unused. This recipe features lilac flowers, but you can use any edible herb or combination, here are some ideas:
• Calendula
• Chamomile
• Jasmine
• Lavender
• Rose petals
• Violets
• Marjoram
• Mint
• Pine needles
• Rosemary
• Sage
• Thyme
• Anise
• Cardamom pods
• Cinnamon sticks
• Cloves
• Peppercorns
• Vanilla
*Please note any plant used for medicine/food/flavoring is considered a herb, however in this instance I am using the term to differentiate between types of ingredients.

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yield: ONE JAR OF HONEY prep time: 25 MINUTES additional time: 3 DAYS +
Measurements based on an 8oz mason jar.
• 1 cup of edible flowers, herbs and/or spices (dried or fresh). *dried will keep longer
• 1 cup of local raw honey (pourable).
1. harvest your choice of flowers, herbs, and/or spices, if using fresh ingredients be sure to rinse them and pat them dry so they are free of moisture.
2. pack them into your jar, be sure to remove any green stems.
3. pour honey to completely submerge the flowers, herbs, and/or spices.
4. seal the jar.
5. let the honey infuse in your air-tight jar for at least 3 days or longer if desired.
6. the mass of flowers/herbs/spices will inevitably become smaller and float to the top, during the infusion phase turn the jar over a few times to help keep them well coated.
7. optional: scoop out the mass with a spoon, or leave it in if you prefer the taste and texture.
• infused honey using dry ingredients will keep in the pantry for several months.
• infused honey using fresh ingredients should be treated like any other perishable food item and stored in the fridge.
spread, drizzle, pour over your favorite foods!
do not give honey to a child younger than a year old due to the risk of infant botulism, a severe but rare form of food poisoning.
