Damiana the Lover’s Dream Herb

Nov 26, 2022 | Plant Allies

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The dream herb of love, sex, and passion.

Womb Support
Cognitive Enhancement
Digestive Aid
Respiratory Support


Latin name Turnera diffusa.

Damiana earned its reputation as the herb of love, sex, and passion after centuries of being the star ingredient in lovemaking-related brews and potions.

The herb is used across the Americas where our ancestors used it for its powerful aphrodisiac effects and ability to enhance sex magick. But the herb’s benefits extend beyond its use for intimacy. Damiana is also turned to for cognitive support, oneiromancy (dreamwork), and healing the body.


Damiana is native to the hot, dry regions of Mexico and Central and South America. These regions are characterized by arid, rocky soils and a hot, dry climate with limited rainfall. Not many plants thrive in those conditions, however, Damiana is one such species. Its ability to grow in rugged soils has made it an important part of the traditional medicine and cultural heritage of the region. The Mayans held Damiana in high regard, and it became more widely utilized when the Guaycura people of the Baja region of Mexico began trading with the Aztecs, which led to the herb’s dissemination throughout the rest of the Americas.

As Damiana grows in the arid deserts, its roots stretch deep into the earth, where they draw up the heat and energy of the sun-baked soil. The herb’s leaves bask in the scorching sun, soaking up its fiery rays and transforming them into the warm and invigorating energy that makes Damiana a beloved yang nourishing herb.





Nervous Indigestion
Menstruation Illnesses
Sexual Disturbances
Sexual Inadequacy



Do not take Damiana if you have diabetes, urinary tract issues, liver disease, are anemic, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Damiana should not be given to children. Damiana might be toxic in high doses (200 grams+). Excessive use over a long period may interfere with iron absorption.

Damiana is abundant in fire energy giving it its warming nature.

It’s a revered aphrodisiac and used for libido support and feelings of euphoria. It is also used for boosting energy, stress management, cognitive enhancement, respiratory support, menstrual support, and as a digestive aid. The use of Damiana varies greatly but is mostly linked to the herb’s mild antibacterial quality and ability to oxygenate the body and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.


The warming energy of Damiana helps to stimulate blood flow to the nervous system and promote circulation. This helps nourish and strengthen the nerves which can be beneficial for a variety of nervous system issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, and fatigue. One of the active constituents of this herb is thymol, and it is this compound that is responsible for Damiana’s uplifting effect on the mind and body. Its stimulating and restorative properties make it a valuable herb for anxiety and depression occurring together – as can often happen as a result of long-term stress.


Damiana is a bitter herb and that means it has an effect on the digestive system. Most bitter plants have a cooling action, however, Damiana is one of the few warming bitter herbs. There is a high volatile oil content (aromatic compounds) that give this plant its carminative action. Carminatives are soothing to gas and bloating; helping peristalsis. It is especially good for those with constipation and digestive disturbance from stress and anxiety.


Damiana’s astringent and diuretic actions have been useful to treat coughs and other respiratory ailments. It soothes irritation of mucous membranes and relieves excess mucous buildup. The Mayans called Damiana “mizib-coc,” which translates to “asthma broom,” referring to its excellent power of alleviating and sweeping out asthma attacks.

As a folk remedy, Damiana has been reported to relieve headaches because of its ability to move energy downward from the head. Although there aren’t any studies to support this benefit, the herb does appear to provide natural pain relief. It was equal to morphine in a pain-tolerance study in mice.

Damiana’s stimulating and warming properties are known for bringing the heat!

Because of Damiana’s affinity for matters of passion and creativity, the herb is linked to sacral energy. It’s a good aid for anyone with a low libido or feeling dull and uninspired. Damiana can help relight the inner flame. 🔥

Damiana’s warming and slightly stimulating ability promotes circulation in the pelvic region. This can help with erectile dysfunction and arousal. For men, Damiana is known as a sexual rejuvenator in those experiencing a loss of vitality and has been recommended for increasing sperm count. In the womb, Damiana has been found to strengthen reproductive organs, regulate delayed or painful menstruation, and help with menopause by controlling and reducing hot flashes. The herb supports and maintains optimal blood and oxygen flow to the genital area, drawing energy out of the mind and into the body. The combination of antioxidant flavonoids and phenolics, including apigenin, is what likely causes the aphrodisiac effects. Damiana has always been turned to when it comes to intimacy. Many men and women have found that a cup of Damiana tea taken one or two hours before intercourse helps to immerse them in the sex act.


Damiana’s traditional use as an aphrodisiac dates all the way back to the Mayans. The fragrant leaves were brewed into tea and sweetened with sugar or honey. This sweet drink was enjoyed to stimulate and enhance lovemaking. Damiana was also used as a remedy for “giddy” love and unbalanced ways. It was considered more important for focusing sexual energies than creating them.

Damiana has been sprinkled on altars or added to food to manifest love and intensify desire. Baths with Damiana leaves were drawn to attract new love. It is used in aromatherapy to promote emotional intimacy and enhance romantic experiences. In Mexico, Damiana is the star ingredient in Guayacara Damiana Liqueur, a light, herbal-based alcohol made from the dried leaves and stems of the herb. The bottle is uniquely modeled after a voluptuous Incan goddess. A bottle of this special spirit is often given to newlyweds as a gift, with good wishes for love.








Drinking or smoking Damiana before bedtime is said to promote pleasant dreams, sometimes of an erotic nature.  The proposed active ingredients responsible for the vivification and lucidity of dreams are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. To increase the desired effects, often a pipe of dried Damiana leaf is smoked along with drinking the tea. Three-dimensional effects and color appreciation may be heightened after consuming the herb. It is also said to increase psychic ability and clairvoyance.


Damiana is frost-susceptible and should only be planted outside in USDA hardiness zones 9 – 11. Pick a sunny location. Damiana can be grown in a pot for those in cold climates, and then brought indoors as a houseplant in the winter. Place it in a sunny spot (a heat/sun lamp might be beneficial indoors). The plant is low maintenance and prefers sandy well-drained soil.


If Damiana is to be used as a medicinal herb, the plant should be cultivated for at least two years before harvesting. Only then has it produced a sufficient amount of constituents. Harvest occurs when the plant is flowering before cold temperatures cause leaves to yellow and drop and is shade-dried. Harvesting is best done during a full moon. Store the dried leaves, whole, cut, or powdered, in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Photo from the Medicinal Plant Index.

Photo from the Medicinal Plant Index.


Damiana is illegal in Louisiana, USA.


1 | New Drug Approvals – Damiana, reported to be an aphrodisiac, stimulant, mood elevator
2 | Tropical Plant Database – Damiana
3 | Entheology – Turnera diffusa – Damiana Leaf
4 | National Library of Medicine – Pharmacological evaluation of Bioactive Principle of Turnera aphrodisiaca
5 | National Library of Medicine – Pre-sleep treatment with galantamine stimulates lucid dreaming: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
6 | National Library of Medicine – Pharmacological evaluation of Bioactive Principle of Turnera aphrodisiaca
7 | Dr. Duke’s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases – Turnera diffusa (Turneraceae)
8 | Gaia Herbs – Damiana
9 | Herbalist Claudia Keel – Damiana Turnera Diffusa Materia Medica Herbs


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