Open Your Heart with Bobinsana

Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) is a powerful heart medicine that grows along the slow-moving rivers of the Amazon basin.
The water-loving tree can’t be missed when its vibrant pink flowers are in full bloom. For many generations, South and Central American people have used this potent yet gentle plant to open their hearts up to greater self-love and love for others.
The tender spirit of this plant is said to increase empathy, activate intuition, and aid in clairvoyance, emotional release, and connection to dream time. Bobinsana’s traditional uses also include hunting endurance, improved vision, appetite suppression, increased creativity, and mental clarity. The chemical constituents in Bobinsana are not well documented but it is believed to contain harmala alkaloids that cause its effects.
Bobinsana is traditionally taken during a plant-based dieta, when one consumes a specific diet along with a tonic made from the medicinal plant they are working with. In various Ayahuasca recipes, Bobinsana is an additional ingredient used to assist in connection and learning on a spiritual level. It’s important to note that Bobinsana itself is not a hallucinogen and is legal.
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Mythic Character
• Celestial: Neptune
• Element: Water
• Inner Guide: Heart
• Energetics: Yin Nourishing
Bobinsana Tinctures & Teas
Dream Catcher Botanicals – tincture
Dream Catcher Botanicals – bark
La Shamana Faby – tincture
Bobinsana is a revered healer who encourages the purging of limiting beliefs and inspires a heart-centered perception.
“She” is often referred to as “Sirenita del Los Rios,” which translates to mermaid of the rivers because she brings the feminine energy of the water to open and heal the heart. With roots 7 times as deep as she is tall, she helps ground our bodies in the present. She illuminates any wounds in the mental and emotional bodies that make relationships with self or others difficult and transforms our egoic thinking into compassion and healthy boundaries.
Bobinsana supports us while we process our grief, loss, heartbreak, and other emotions. Every personal rejection, job loss, failed romance, betrayal, and regret, creates a sense of loss. Misplaced hopes and unmanifested dreams leave holes in our hearts. When we find ourselves trapped in emotions it can undermine the immune system and lead to illness, physically and psychologically.
Our hearts are our ultimate guides through all of our life situations. When we are in our hearts, we are solidly living in our own essential truth no matter what is happening in the world around us.

Bobinsana speaks to us through our dreams.
She can induce colorful vivid dreams, lucid or prophetic dreaming, and increase dream recall. Her medicine works deeply in the dream realms to bring healing, insight, and realizations about one’s life.
After a few doses (follow the suggested use from your supplier – see my recommendations below) many people have reported the ability to alter or control their dreams, more memorable or longer dreams, an increase in dreams experienced or remembered, and a sense of deeper knowledge and understanding of their dreams.
Dreams are a way for your subconscious mind to communicate with your conscious mind. When we practice dreamwork, we step outside of our limitations and find new possibilities of awareness and understanding. If you decide to use Bobinsna for dreamwork I recommend keeping a detailed dream journal.
I am not a medical professional. Rewild + Grow was created for informational and historical purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns, particularly if you have any serious medical conditions, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking prescriptions.
The Bobinsana tree heats up the body creating inner warmth.
The bark can be grated into baths to increase resistance to sickness and combat colds and chills. Traditionally, Bobinsana is made into a strong tea tincture using alcohol made from cane sugar called aguardiente. A decoction (strong tea) of the entire plant (leaves, stem, twigs, flowers, roots) is prepared as a general energizing tonic. The tree’s ability to grow and maintain itself along the river banks proves its immense durability which can assist in increasing physical and energetic strength.
Research conducted in Sweden (see sources below) indicates the plant contains COX-inhibitors, which are used to treat inflammation and pain. The specific compounds causing this effect have yet to be determined but research leans toward saponins. Properties found through studies and documented by the traditional use of Bobinsana include:
• depurative (purifying/purging)
• diuretic (increased passing of urine)
• tonic
• stimulant
• contraceptive (see caution below)
• arthritis and rheumatism
• blood cleanser
• uterine cancer/disorders
• edema (water retention)
• musculoskeletal pains
• colds/flu
Long-valued for its contraceptive activity, Bobinsana is traditionally used in Peru to prevent pregnancy. While there is no research to confirm this possible action, those seeking to get pregnant should avoid this plant.
Bobinsana Tinctures & Teas
Dream Catcher Botanicals – tincture
Dream Catcher Botanicals – bark
La Shamana Faby – tincture

Life’s immortal power is in evidence in her most fragile flower.

Photos by Jaime Chang
Personal Experience
I can attest to experiencing profound vivid and lucid dreams while working with Bobinsana. She is a truth-seeker and has a gentle way of showing you what you need to see, even if it’s not what you want to see. Bobinsana has a theme of water – something to look out for in the dreamscape.
I did experience my first lucid dream while working with Bobinsana. I dreamt that I was space. I was aware that I was dreaming and had full control of the dream, even once reaching for a Saturn-like planet and holding it in the palm of my hand. Although this dream didn’t seem to have any significant message about my current life situation it was a beautiful experience witnessing just how powerful this medicine can be.
I will continue to update my experience working with this plant!
• Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America by James A. Duke
• Rain-Tree Publishers Tropical Plant Database
• Biodiversity conservation in a wild therapeutic garden; the case of Takiwasi center botanical reserve in the Peruvian high-amazon by Fabio Friso and Matteo Politi